5                      Appendix

5.1             MindMapper Screens

5.1.1                The MindMapper program screen



5.1.1                Screen Composition


Mind Map Window

This is the 'drawing canvas¡¯ where you create and view your Mind Maps.


Map Tabs

You can display more than one Mind Map at a time. Each Map has its own tab. Click on a tab to view the Map you want.


Title bar

The title bar is at the top of most Windows programs. It tells you the name of the program, and the file name of the current Mind Map.


Window Control buttons

There are two main types of windows in MindMapper.


The Program window - This is the main MindMapper window that holds all of the other windows.


The Map windows - Each Map has its own window.  Each of these types of windows has its own set of controls:


Minimize - Makes the window as small as possible, and places it at the bottom of the Map window area of the screen.


Maximize - Makes the window as large as possible, filling the Map window.


Restore - Resizes the window to a smaller size, so that it floats in the Map window area.


Close - Closes the window. If you have made changes since your last save, you will be prompted by a message to save the file before closing.



Status bar

The Status Bar shows brief descriptions of any button or menu command that you point at (with the mouse arrow pointer). It also shows the keyboard¡¯s Caps Lock status, number keypad (Num Lock), and keyboard scrolling (Scroll Lock).
(see View the Status Bar)



5.1.2                Menus


MindMapper follows familiar and recognizable menus found in many popular Microsoft Windows programs.  Following is a list of the MindMapper menus, with a brief description of each item:



These commands relate to the creation and managing of MindMapper files.


A range of commands for making changes to Map topics.


Different ways you can look at your Maps.


A variety of items that can be inserted into Maps.


Commands that assist in getting the look of your Mind Maps just right.


Spell checking and Auto numbering features, as well as ways to customize your tool set and set overall preferences for MindMapper.


A set of commands for arranging objects in your Maps.


Making a slide show presentation from your map.


Ways of arranging your Map windows, and a list of currently opened Maps.


Access to all of the Help information, to assist you in getting the best out of MindMapper.       File




Creates a new Mind Map in the Mind Map window, ready for building. (see Starting a New Mind Map)
Opens an existing Mind Map. (see Opening Mind Maps)

Import flyout

Import various Microsoft Office documents into MindMapper

Closes the current Mind Map.

Saves any changes you have made to the current map file. If this is the first save for the map, you will be prompted to enter a file name and folder location where the file is to be stored. (see Saving a Mind Map)
Save As...
When you click on this command, you will be prompted to enter a different file name and folder location where the file is to be stored. (see Saving a Map as a Different File)
  Save All

If you have two or more Map files open, and you've made changes to some or all of them, you save all of the changes to all of the open Maps by clicking this command. (see Saving all open Maps)

Save As Image Map...
Create an identical Image Map of your Mind Map so anyone with a web browser, such as Internet Explorer can view your Map.

Save As Web Pages...
You can save your Map file in text based HTML format, so that it can be viewed in a Web browser. (see Saving your Map as a Web Page)

Send flyout


 Mail Recipient (As Map Attachment)
Send the Mind Map as an e-mail attachment. (see Attaching Maps to E-mails)
Mail Recipient (As Image Attachment)
Send the Mind Map as an image in e-mail attachment. (see Attaching Maps to E-mails)

Pack & Mail Recipient (As Attachment)
Pack all linked hyperlinked files into one file and send as e-mail attachment

Export flyout

Export MindMapper map into various Microsoft Office applications.

Page Setup...
This command allows you to set up the size and orientation for printing Map pages. (see Setting up your Map for Printing)
Opens a dialogue box that lets you decide what you will print and how many copies you'll make. (see Printing a Map)
printprev  Print Preview...


Use this command to take a look at what the printed Map will look like, before committing the Map to print. (see Preview before Printing)

Provides information about the current Map. You can also enter summary details to assist in finding the file later. (see Setting Map Properties)

Recently Opened Files
Shows the file names of the last four Maps that were opened in MindMapper. You can click on a file name to open that file.

Closes the whole MindMapper program. If you have made changes to any open Maps, you will be prompted to save before closing.       Edit


Use Undo to go back to the last action you did. (see Undo and Redo)
If you Undo an action, and then realize you shouldn't have, use Redo to redo that action. (see Undo and Redo)

Select Topic flyout


Select all child topics of the current topic


Select all siblings of the current topic


Select all topics of the same level in the entire map


Select all topics in the map

Select Area flyout


Select an area in the map


Copy the selected area in the map

Save as Image

Save the selected area as an image file

Send to as Image

Send the selected area as an email attachment

Removes the selected object from your Map and holds it in the clipboard - ready to be pasted somewhere else. (see Cut, Copy and Paste)
Copies the selected object from your Map into the clipboard - ready for pasting into another Map, or into another program.

Takes the contents of the Window¡¯s clipboard and places it into the current Map.

Paste Special flyout
Lets you selectively Paste only specific aspect of the copied objects   into a selected topic. (see Paste Special)


Lets you selectively paste the copied contents as object, text, image, or document.

Takes the image contents of the clipboard and places it as a clip of a selected topic.

Topic Style
Takes the last copied text formatting and applies it to another text item you have selected.


Takes the file or shortcut of a selected topic and paste it as a hyperlink to the selected topic.

Delete Topic flyout

Without Sub-Topics

Delete the selected topic only without deleting any of its sub-topics

Only Sub-Topics

Delete the sub-topics only and do not delete the selected topic

With Sub-Topics

Delete the selected topic and its subtopics

Remove Property flyout



Removes associated notes


Removes associated clip arts


Removes all associated hyperlinks


Remove all legend icons on the topic


Remove the boundary around the topic

Page Break

Remove the Page Break in the topic


Remove any schedule information


Remove any assigned resources

Jumps you to text that you specify in the current Map.
Jumps you to text that you specify in the current Map, and replaces that text with other text you want.
(see How to Find and Replace Specific Text)

Sort Topics flyout

(See Sort Topics)

By Topic Text

Sort the topics in alphabetical order

By Legend

Sort the topics by the order of the Legend icons

By Text Color

Sort the topics by the color of the text

By Background Color

Sort the topics by the background color

By Schedule

Sort the topics by the starting date of the scheduled tasks

By Achievement

Sort the topics by the achievement rate of the tasks


Customize various sorting options

Extract Topics

Extract topics based on customized user conditions

(see Extract Topics)

Split with Hyperlink¡¦
When your map grows large, you may break them into  separate maps and still keep them as a hyperlinked togetherp.  These two steps are done simultaneously as a very simple function (see Divide and hyperlink a part of Map)

When you have a map that is hyperlinked to a topic, you can easily read in the hyperlinked map and make it as sub topics of a parent map. (see Consolidate)

Save Clipart flyout

To File¡¦

Save the Clipart in the selected topic as an image file

To Clipart Pane

Save the Clipart in the selected topic to the Clipart pane

When you have linked files to Map topics, you can use this command to maintain updating and source details. (see Hyperlinking Files to Topics and Ma  naging Linked Files)
Linked Object flyout
This fly-out menu includes:


Opens an embedded object in its originating program for editing.
Opens an embedded object in its originating program for viewing.
(see Using OLE Objects)       View




Go To flyout
This fly-out menu includes:

Home Map

Load your Home map.  (See Home Map)


Go back to previous map


Go to next map

Zoom flyout
(see Zoom)
This fly-out menu includes:


Whole page
Will re-size the Map so that you can see the whole Map in the window.


Zoom back to previous zoom level

Actual Size
Shows the Map at its actual (printed) size.


Zoom to center of the map

(see Centering and Local Centering)


Zoom to specific area in the map


A range of pre-set and user-input zoom values.



This feature helps you quickly 'grab' onto the Map and drag it in different directions, so that you can see where you are going.
(see Panning around a Mind Map)


Roll Up

Roll up (hide) the sub-topics

(see How to Roll-up and Roll-down Levels)

Roll Down

Roll down (show) the sub topics

(see How to Roll-up and Roll-down Levels)

Local Centering

Hide all other branches and work only on the selected topic.  Good for working on a specific area of a complex ma

All Topics

Go back to showing all topics after applying Local Centering

Full Screen

Hide all menus and buttons to use full screen space for mapping and presentation.  Press ESC to return to normal mode. (see Using Full Screen Mode)


Show or hide various task windows on the MindMapper screen.

(see Task Windows)


Show or hide various toolbars on the MindMapper screen.

(see Toolbars)

Status Bar

The Status Bar shows brief descriptions of any button or menu command that you point at.
(see Status Bar)


Check this feature to turn on Clip-Art animation (if available).  Not all Clip Arts contain animation.  Uncheck it to turn this feature off.       Insert



Topic flyout

 Single Sub-Topic
Click on a topic, and then use this command to insert a new (Child) topic under the selected topic. (see Adding Topics)
Multiple Topics...
This is a quick way to create a number of sub topics for a selected topic in your Map. (see Adding Multiple Topics)

Inset a new sibling topic
 Floating Topic
Floating text (labels and annotations) can be added using this command. (see Floating Text)

Auto Paste

Turns on Auto Paste Mode on, and automatically transfers your selected words and phrases directly from your electronic document into MindMapper.  (see Auto Paste Mode)

Auto Paste

Turns on Auto Paste Mode on, and automatically transfers your selected words and phrases directly from your electronic document into MindMapper.  (see Auto Paste Mode)


You can create descriptive text notes for the selected topic.

(see Adding Notes to Topics)

Topic Shape flyout

Create an outline shape around your topics to give them a distinguishing look.

hyplink  Hyperlinks...
Links can be created to files on your computer, or Web pages on the Internet. (see Hyperlinking Files to Topics)

Relation/Tie flyout

Lets you create a relationship line or tie between two or more selected topics. (see Using Relation/Tie)

Boundary flyout

This menu lets you choose from a variety of topic boundary styles.
(see Change Topic Boundaries)
(see Sample Gallery of Boundary Styles)


Insert scheduling information for selected map topic.


Assign Resources for your scheduled tasks.

Picture flyout

Lets you insert clips or image files to a map or a topic.

Clip Art...
Opens the MS Clip Gallery or Clip Organizer. (see Using MS Clip Gallery).

From File...
Lets you select an image from files and insert to a map.

Object flyout

As Child...
Inserts an object from another program as a child of the selected topic.
To Selected Topic...
Inserts an object from another program to the selected topic.
(see Using OLE Objects)       Format



Mapping Direction

This fly-out menu includes:

A range of Map directions
This menu lets you choose from a variety of branching directions.
(see Change Branch Direction)
(see Sample Gallery of Mapping Directions)

Branch Shape

This fly-out menu includes:

A range of Branch Shape styles
This menu lets you choose from a variety of branch shape styles.
(see Change Branch Shape and Color)
(see Sample Gallery of Topic Connections)

Image Position

This fly-out menu includes:

A range of image positions within a topic frame.
This menu lets you choose from a variety of image locations.
(see Image Position)
(see Sample Gallery of Image Positions)



This fly-out menu includes:

Selection of topic spacing choices.
Lets you increase or decrease the spaces between topics in your Map. (see Adjust Spacing between topics)


Displayes the style options you can set for your maps.


Displays the entire topic formatting choices, so you can change the look of topics and their branches. (see Editing a Topic's Style)       Tools




Auto Numbering
Shows the hierarchy of Map topics, by applying a sequential numbering system.

(see Auto Numbering)

Check Spelling¡¦

Runs the spell checker, so you can correct any spelling errors in your Map.



Search the internet with your favorite search engine based on the selected topic


Search your current map or other maps based on the selected topic

Create Folder Structure¡¦

Create a graphical representation of your folder structure in your hard drive.



You can define resources such as manpower, machine, and material within MindMapper, and assign resources to each topic (task).  This feature is especially useful when planning a project factoring time and budget simultaneously. (see Setting Resources)

Export Summary

This allows you to save summary of your current resources to a text file.

Pack & Delivery¡¦

You can save your Mind Map with any hyperlinked files as a single file. Packed files have a *.twds file name extension. This action is like Packing (see previous entry), but will also open a new E-mail with the Packed file as an attachment - ready to send to another user.

Repair Hyperlinks¡¦

Automatically detect corrupt hyperlinks so you can repair them quickly

Create your own toolbars, or make changes to the ones that come with MindMapper. (see User Defined Toolbars)
Settings for default configuration and controlling MindMapper general use. (see General Options)


Sets the UI Theme to one of the options       Shape



Bring to Front
Brings the selected object to the very top of all objects in the Map.
  Send to Back
Sends the selected object to the very bottom of all objects in the Map.
  Bring Forward
Brings the selected object one layer forward.
  Send Backward
Sends the selected object one layer backwards.
(see Arranging and Ordering Clips)


Makes a number of separate objects into one 'compound' object.
Breaks a 'compound' object into its individual parts.
(see Grouping and Ungrouping Clips)


Positioning picture clips in relation to other objects. (see Aligning Objects)       Presentation


Run Presentation
Starts a slide show with the screen captures in the scenario window.

View Scenario
Opens the scenario window to display all slides captured by the user..
Default Scenario
Creates a series of slides from the current map.

Set Up Presentation
Various settings for presentations.

Slide Transition
Sets how each slide advances during a presentation.

Capture Slide
Captures what's displayed on the screen and insert to the scenario window.       Window


Closes the current Mind Map.

Close All
Closes all working Mind Maps.

This view shows each of the Map windows layered one after the other, with the Title Bar of each window showing (lets you know the title of each Map). (see Cascading windows)

Tile Horizontally
Organize all your Maps horizontally, like a row of tiles.

(see Tiled windows)

Tile Vertically
Organize all your Maps vertically.

(see Tiled windows)

Arrange Icons
If you minimize all of the open Map windows, this command will place them in orderly fashion along the bottom of the Map window.

Currently Opened Files
Lists the file names of all of the Map files that you currently have open in MindMapper. You can click on a file name to bring that Map to the front of the windows.   Help


Help Topics
Opens the Help system.
Tutorial Map
A quick and easy tutorial, which helps you gain an understanding of all of the main activities in the program. (see The MindMapper Tutorial)
A Map describing the many keyboard shortcuts in MindMapper. (see The MindMapper Tutorial)

Check Update
A handy link to the latest MindMapper update files. (see Internet Updates)
MindMapper on the Web
Connect with the latest MindMapper and Mind Mapping information in MindMapper World. (see MindMapper on the Web)

About MindMapper
Provides details about the program, System information, and Technical Support.


5.1.3                Toolbars

MindMapper has a range of different toolbars.  Each has a specific category of buttons, which relate to specific tasks that you can carry out (see Open Specialty Toolbars).  You can also create your own User Defined Toolbars.


Toolbars include:

Windows – Show or hide various task windows

Standard - This toolbar contains general purpose tools and is displayed whenever MindMapper is run.  These are the basic tools you need to create, open and save Map files.  There are also some frequently used editing, formatting and viewing tools.

View – Contains icons to set various zooming options plus options to rolling up and down.

Format - Contains a group of tools for formatting (changing the look of) text.

PKM – Contains icons for Knowledge Management features of MindMapper.

Legend - This toolbar provides a range of legend icons that can be added to your Maps. These icons are little pictures that help identify different categories of topics in the Map.       Windows Toolbar



Show the Clipart window


Show the Notes window


Show the Schedule window


Show the Outline window       Standard Toolbar


new  New
Creates a new Mind Map in the Mind Map window, ready for building. (see Starting a New Mind Map)

open  Open
Opens an existing Mind Map. (see Opening Mind Maps)

save  Save
Click on this button to save the current Map file. (see Saving Your Mind Map)

Import your Microsoft Office documents into a map, or export your map to a Microsoft Office document

print  Print
Print hard-copies of your Maps. (see Printing Your Mind Map)

printprev  Preview
Print Preview is a handy way to check the look and layout of your printed Map. (see Preview before Printing)

cut  Cut
Removes the selected object from your Map and holds it in the temporary memory of the computer - ready to be pasted somewhere else. (see Cut, Copy and Paste)

copy  Copy
Copies the selected object from your Map into the temporary memory of your computer - ready for pasting into another Map, or into another program. (see Cut, Copy and Paste)

paste  Paste
Takes the contents of the computer's temporary memory and places it into the current Map. (see Cut, Copy and Paste)

pastestyle  Copy/Paste Style
Click on a topic with the style you want and select this button to copy - then click on the topic that you're changing and click this button to apply the copied style. (see Copy and Paste Style)

undo  Undo
Use Undo to go back to the last action you did. (see Undo and Redo)

redo  Redo
If you Undo an action, then realize you shouldn't have, use Redo to redo that action. (see Undo and Redo)

pointer  Selection Tool
The standard arrow pointer, that you can use to select objects on the Map page. (see Selecting Topics)

instext  Insert Floating Topic
Floating text (labels and annotations) can be added using this command. (see Floating Text)

  Insert Topic
Click on a topic, then use this command to insert a new (Child) topic under the selected topic. (see Adding Topics)

 Insert Topic Shape

Select a border around your topic to add enhancd look

  Insert Relation/Tie
Lets you create a relationship line or tie between two selected topics. (see Using Relation Lines)

border  Boundary
Each topic topic is contained in a frame. You can fill the frame with color, and place a border around the frame. (see Change Topic Boundaries and the Gallery of Topic Boundaries)

  Image Position
Select the position of the topic clipart

  Insert Schedule
Lets you insert schedule information for the topic

  Assign Resource
Assign a resource for the selected topic.  Resources must be defined first.

  Remove Property
Remove one or more attributes associated with a topic

  Assign Resource
Assign a resource for the selected topic.  Resources must be defined first.

  Remove Property
Remove one or more attributes associated with a topic

direct  Mapping Direction
This is the direction that topic topics branch out from the main topic. (see Change Branch Direction and the Gallery of Branch Directions)

shape  Branch Shape
Branches come in a variety of different shapes and colors. You can select the shape and color that suits you. (see Change Branch Shape and Color and the Gallery of Branch Shapes)       View Toolbar


 Zoom In

Zoom in to the map

 Zoom Out

Zoom out of the map

 Zoom Factor

Set your zoom level

 Zoom Area

Select the zoom area

 View Whole Page

View the maps without Menus and toolbars

 Zoom Previous

Go back to the previous zoom level

 Roll Down

(See Roll Up, above) When you want to see them again, you simply roll them down.

 Roll Up

To simplify your Mind Map, you can hide certain levels by 'rolling them up'. (see Roll-up and Roll-down Levels)

 Local Centering

Select a topic and hide all other topics except the selected topic and its Child topics. (see Centering and Local Centering)

 View All Topics

Displays the entire Map.       Format Toolbar

font_name  Font Face 
There are many different fonts, each with its own name. Some are 'serif' fonts (like Times New Roman); some are heading or 'sans serif' fonts (like Arial); others are called 'script' or 'casual' fonts.  Choose the font type you want from the list.

font_size  Font Size
Font sizes are measured in 'points' (70 points = 1 inch/2.54 cm).  The bigger the number, the larger the text.

size_up  Increase Font Size
Makes the font bigger in size with each click.

size_down  Decrease Font Size
Makes the font smaller in size with each click.

bold  Bold
Makes the selected text look Bold.

italics  Italics
Makes the selected text look Italics.

strike  Strikethrough
Makes the selected text look strikeout.

underline  Underline
Makes the selected text look Underlined.

aln_auto  Text Align
Choose one of 4 text align options.

color_font  Font Color
Allows you to set the color for the selected text.

color_line  Line Color
Lets you to set the line color for the selected topic branch.

color_fill  Fill Color
Set the fill color for the selected text frame.

  Line Weight
Set the thickness of the selected branch.  See Change Branch Shape, Line Shape, and Color

  Change Line Pattern
Set the line type of branches, boundaries, and topic shapes.

Set arrows on relation lines and ties.

Sets various alignment options on the selected topics       PKM Toolbar


 View Home Map

Load your designated home map.

 Search Map

Search the current map for entered string

 Knowledge Management

Perform various Knowledge Management features, such as Extract, Sort, etc.       Legend Toolbar

The Legend icons are small pictures that can be inserted into topic topics.  They provide a way of identifying topic categories. (see Using Legends)


5.1.4                Task Windows


MindMapper also has a number of special windows. Each helps you carry out specific tasks when building maps. (see Open Task Windows)
They include:

    Clip Art - A collection of pictures that you can drag and drop onto your Map.
    Note - Handy notes can be added to any topic in your Map to provide useful information later.
    Schedule - Time frames with resource allocation can be created for sections of your Map, to assist you in planning projects.
    Outline - This window provides a 'table of contents'-style outline of the hierarchy and flow for topics in your Map.

   Scenario - This window provides scenarios based on our presentation slides.       Clip Art Window

This window has a number of categories of clip art. Clips are added to the Map by simply dragging them off the Clip Art window, and dropping them in the Map window. You can also add new clips to the User Defined categories. (see Using Clip Art)


To open the CLIP ART window...


do this if you like using toolbar buttons

Click on in the STANDARD toolbar.

do this if you like using menus

From the VIEW menu (WINDOW flyoutfly out), select CLIP ART.

do this if you like using keyboard shortcuts

Press [F2]       Note Window


You can add a descriptive text Note to any selected topic.  Text notes are a great way to attach extra information to topics on a Map.  You can add quick thoughts to lay the foundations for further development, or prompts as reminders at a later date.  Notes can be created and viewed in this Notes window.  When printing, text notes are included if you print the Outline text of the Map. (see Adding Notes)


To open the NOTE window...


do this if you like using toolbar buttons

Click on in the STANDARD toolbar.

do this if you like using menus

From the VIEW menu (WINDOW flyoutfly out), select NOTE.

do this if you like using keyboard shortcuts

Press [F3]


If you want to open a note window and display the note text, move your mouse cursor over Note Icon and click left mouse button when mouse cursor changes to a hand shape as shown in the picture.  This will automatically open Note window and display note text of selected topic.       Schedule Window


Some of your Maps may be project-based, where there is a sequential flow across a time-frame.  Schedules are made up of a number of activities.  Each activity has a Start date and an End date.  The time span between these two dates is called the 'Duration' for that activity.  The Schedule window uses a Gantt chart to show each of the tasks, with its related date and % achieved details. (see Setting Schedules and Setting Resources)

To open the SCHEDULE window...


do this if you like using toolbar buttons

Click on schedulein the STANDARD toolbar.

do this if you like using menus

From the VIEW menu (WINDOW flyoutfly out), select SCHEDULE.

do this if you like using keyboard shortcuts

Press [F4]


screen10If you want open the schedule window, move your mouse cursor over Schedule Icon and click left mouse button when mouse cursor changes to a hand shape as shown in the picture.       Outline Window


The Outline window provides a 'table of contents' view of the hierarchy and flow of topics in your map. You can click on any topic in the 'tree' to focus on that topic (and its children).

Click on the plusbutton to expand a topic, and see its sub-topics.
Click on the minusbutton to condense a topic, and hide its sub-topics.

To open the OUTLINE window...


do this if you like using toolbar buttons

Click on outlinein the STANDARD toolbar.

do this if you like using menus

From the VIEW menu (WINDOW flyoutfly out), select OUTLINE.

do this if you like using keyboard shortcuts

Press [F8]