3       Chapter 3 - Advanced Mapping

3.9  Using Relationship Line

3.9.1    Add a Relationship Line


In menus, goto Insert / Relation/Tie


Or, using the toolbar, select Insert Relation/Tie icon.


Use the following steps to show a Relationship between two topics in a Map.







To create the Relationship Line
Use one of the following:

do this if you prefer using menus

From the INSERT menu select RELATION/TIE

do this if you like using toolbar buttons

Click on the  Insert Relation/Tie button in the Standard toolbar



This will display the Relation Arrow pointer, ready to create the Relationship Line.



Click on the first topic to select it, and then click on the second topic.

This will insert the Relationship Line (a two-headed arrow line) between the two selected topics.  

Tip but-tip A quick way to navigate between related topics is to select a topic with relation line and press the [Tab] or Backspace key .

If a topic has both relation line and hyperlinked file pressing [Tab] key will pop up a selection list.



To shape the Relationship Line
Click and drag on the handles to pull the line into a smooth shape.





To enter a label for the Relationship Line
Double-click on the line to enter the text cursor, and type the label text.






To format the Relationship Line
Right-click on the line to select it, and display the Shortcut menu.
Click on FORMAT, which displays the Relation Properties dialogue box.



Line Type
Sets the type of the line.

Line Weight
Sets the thickness of the line. The larger the number, the thicker the line.

Line Color
Use this drop list to set the color of the line.

Check the checkboxes to turn on or off the arrow heads.


To jump between topics connected with Relation Line
Select one topic with a relation line, and press 'Tab' key to jump to the other topic connected with Relation Line.  Viewing area is automatically adjusted and centered with the jumped topic, if it is not visible.



...end of instructions for this task


3.9.1    Delete a Relationship Line

Deleting a Relation Line is very simple.

Just click on the line to select it, and press the [Delete] key.


3.9.2    Use New Relational line shapes


Relational Link

The Topics for linking always aggregate at the intersection at the center of a Topic and boundary box.

Relational line shapes are differentiated based on subtopics of a relational subject being added or not.



The process works as same as before if you key in "Enter" after putting some texts into the relational line.  In addition, it works separately just as a floating text if you key in "Shift + Enter" after putting some texts into a relational line.  The text part of a relational line works like a topic when Space bar is entered.  You can add subtopics to it.